
Re: XFqcam

On Mon, 29 Jan 1996, Jon Lewis wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Jan 1996, James Walter Martin III wrote:

> I'm using version 1.02...and it fails to find the camera 4/5 times.  I'm 
> running on a 486dx-33 on 1.2.11.  BTW...I can only get about 1.2fps at 
> full res/quality.  At min res/quality, I can get 19fps. 

With xfqcam 1.02 recompiled with -O2, I get >32 fps at 80x60/64 shade
resolution. Around 4 fps at 320x240...

One more thing I've noticed about xfqcam vs. Doze's QuickPic - the zoom

While the Doze version zooms the center of the current view, xfqcam zooms
the upper right corner of it. Like thus: (I hope you appreciate my ANSI

 ____________________           ____________________
|       Normal       |         |          |         |
|     __________     |         |  Zoomed  |         |
|    |          |    |         |__________|         |
|    |  Zoomed  |    |         |                    |
|    |__________|    |         |       Normal       |
|                    |         |                    |
|____________________|         |____________________|
         Doze                          XFqcam

Maybe a peek at the source would reveal something. Is there any sort of
offset that can be used? Such as "Only send the info constrained by this
set of coordinates" calls to teh camera?


Brandon High    http://www.ccnet.com/~bjhigh    Down with Big Brother!
bjhigh@ccnet.com      bjhigh@ucdavis.edu      armitage@ece.ucdavis.edu
It is because of people like you that they must lock morgues at night.

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