I've got it scanning...
Just a quick note to whoever's reading the list today -- I've just got
my first 80x60@4bpp image from my QuickCam, using a program I've
cobbled together. I'm planning on cleaning it up and putting it up for
FTP ASAP, but I thought I'd say what I did first.
The camera protocol's pretty simple, like Russell Nelson's been saying.
The computer sends a reset sequence to the camera, followed by few
commands, and then reads a single frame. The program then sends
another scan command, and reads another frame, and so on.
(all commands observed are 2-byte commands)
0xb Set brightness
0x11 Set height
0x13 Set width
0x19 Set contrast
0x1f Set white-balance
0x7 Start-scan
0x0d ?
0x0f ?
The camera returns just enough bytes for the scan, at least in the mode
I'm using. I'm planning on cleaning this up and bumping the resolution
higher right now...