
Re: fuzzy

please note: i said i have tried several programs with the same image
problems, on xcqcam i think it was i tried -32- with the same image
problems, this is very strange (what is happening).


On Tue, 15 Jul 1997, Alex Belits wrote:

> On Tue, 15 Jul 1997, Xservo wrote:
> > hey all,
> > i recently purchased a color quickcam and it did not include a manual. i
> > hooked it up before buying it and loaded the windows software and
> > everything worked fine, good picture quality and all. so i bought it and
> > took it home to my p133 linux box and hooked it up, and changed my
> > parallel port to bi in the bios and loaded some software. i first tried
> > xcqcam the cqcam cqread and several variants, and for some reason even if
> > i adjust the focus on the unit all the picutes come out fuzzy, not really
> > interference type stuff and the images are slightly (very very slightly)
> > viewable. i have tried reinstall and reconfiguring the camera and still
> > the fuzzy (kinda like looking through a piece of glass that's been
> > sandblased). i am just looking for any ideas any of you may have as to
> > what could cause this problem. a demo picture is avalable upton request.
>   If the image looks faded and has bright horizontal lines on it, it's
> well-known problem that happens because of the high load.
> qcread | xv -
> produces faded images on some boxes while
> qcread > /tmp/mypic.ppm; xv /tmp/mypic.ppm
> or
> qcread | (sleep 2;xv -)
> on the same box will produce clean images because the first line causes
> xv being loaded/initialized at the same time when qcread is talking to
> the camera.
> --
> Alex

Xservo {servo@garbage.netrox.net} \ KF4MKT
