
Re: Anyone...

At 15:51 12.08.97 -0500, Isaac D. Kishk wrote:
>I know this isn't the place, but I'm kinda desperate, I promise to never
>post anything like this again :)

	sorry guy, but i don't trust on
	such announcements... '[...] again :)'

>Im trying to sell a brand new router, I wont spam you with crap, here the
>page I made:

	Hmmm, you've said you won't spam us
	with your mail... so why do you send
	us such kind of announcements ???

	take some very useful usenet-groups like
	/trashcan/ or something like /interests_nobody/...

	and a hint to the wise man, who wrote the mail:
	...nobody outside the windows-world has a plugin
	to read x-httpd-php streams...

	i think you've to study some manpages and manuals
	about apache's webserver-administration...

	some people does'nt learn the lessons anymore...
	--- Kai <yuk!>

>-----Isaac D. Kishk-----kaz@zeal.net-----www.zeal.net-----
mit freundlichen Gruessen,
					Kai Dittmann

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               --- take a walk outside your mind... ---
