
Problems with qcread-0.2


I am trying to get my quickcam (Color) to work with several programs.
I managed to get cqcam 0.40b running on a Cyrix 150+ and with bidirectional

When I try to install qcread -0.2 I get the following:

[root@tukker qcread-0.2]# ./qcread -v
Bidirectional parallel port at 0x378 with color Quickcam camera
qcread: Reading frame
qcread: Frame read failed
[root@tukker qcread-0.2]# 

With the following qcam.conf

port 	0x378	# /dev/lp1, the first printer port
porttype bidirectional
direction up
width	320
height	240
yoffset 0
xoffset 0
transfer 1
bpp 	24	# 24-bit colors (color only)
brightness 180
contrast 104
hue 128
saturation 255
white 70
black 100

Is there anyone who is having experience with this. 
Finally I want to run my Quickcam as a WebCam..


Klaasjan Tukker
Instituut Informatie en Communicatie Technologie
Hogeschool Enschede

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