Somebody asked how to get a complete ROM image.
Supposing you wanted to do that, and that you knew all the risks that were involved and were willing to take them, here is one set of steps you might follow to get yourself an image:
Search for S11396D0, delete that line, and replace it with:
Search for S11396F0, delete that line, and replace it with:
Search for S113BFD0, delete that line, and the two that follow, and replace them with:
S113BFD06E7E001C6E76001D6B86BFC06E7E001EDA S113BFE06E76001F6B86BFC2FECB5A00A1F600001E S113BFF06B06BFC26DF66B06BFC06DF65A00BB9AE6
Save this file.
If you want a Unix firmware downloader with C source, get and compile firmdl.c.